Wednesday, 17 April 2013

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4 Free Download

daemon tools pro advanced, daemon tools pro advanced 4.41.0315, burning softwares,

Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4 is advance software which makes different images of CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs like .ISO, .MDF and protects these images with password too so that no one could steal or get hands on it. It secures images by its password protecting feature, it has many advance imaging features.
1- Its image editor is so powerful that creates or edits images.
2- It burns those created images on CD or DVD disks.
3- It makes CD or DVD bootable so if you want to install you downloaded copy of windows then this software is made for you as you burn downloaded files of windows on CD/DVD disks it makes those bootable.
4- It composes images with your preferred file system.


1- Install software
2- After installing software don’t run it before you copy the folder named full in your installed directory (Where you have installed Daemon Tools Pro Advanced.).
3- First thing you have to do is renaming file named “cryptapi.dll” to “cryptapi-.dll”
4- After that put given folder FULL cryptai.dll and dtprohlp.dll
5- Now run the software and register it with your own e-mail and name.
6- This software will be activated offline.


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